Very cool how neoliberals and libertarians are being annoying weirdos and nonchalantly defending Joe Biden as he continues to support the Palestinian genocide

  • katy ✨
    4 months ago

    defunding israel is no different from defunding ukraine or the ukrainian defence.

    president biden has been stronger in favour of a diplomatic solution than most recent history presidents, considering the other candidate has called for total annihilation.

    i bet people to realise that defunding one side or the other does nothing to help civilians on either side, especially since netanyahu has no desire to listen or stop fighting and neither does hamas and tearing up decades of treaties to increase tensions with a nuclear power will help nobody. taking a more aggressive stand just makes both sides more unlikely to negotiate and actual ceasefire since that’s the only way it happens not through resolutions in the us congress, petitions on internet sites, or through non binding un resolutions

    ok backing out of the conversation now