China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …
You’re strawmanning, but if you must know, what happened in Tiny-Man Square was a coup-attempt that cost hundreds of lives of civilians after some violent gang members and misled protestors began to attack and stab and burn and shoot unarmed peacekeepers, and the police and military were called in to evacuate civilians, and even the goddamn New York Times admitted mere days after the fact that no massacre occurred inside the square, it wasn’t the police or military who started the fighting, the violence happened in surrounding streets, and that the tanks were rolling back to the square instead of going to it.
It’s not fundamentally racist to insist the Tiananmen Square massacre happened, even though it’s 90 percent horseshit, but it is racist to use it as proof that Chinese people are brainwashed mindless drones because of it.
You’re strawmanning, but if you must know, what happened in Tiny-Man Square was a coup-attempt that cost hundreds of lives of civilians after some violent gang members and misled protestors began to attack and stab and burn and shoot unarmed peacekeepers, and the police and military were called in to evacuate civilians, and even the goddamn New York Times admitted mere days after the fact that no massacre occurred inside the square, it wasn’t the police or military who started the fighting, the violence happened in surrounding streets, and that the tanks were rolling back to the square instead of going to it.
It’s not fundamentally racist to insist the Tiananmen Square massacre happened, even though it’s 90 percent horseshit, but it is racist to use it as proof that Chinese people are brainwashed mindless drones because of it.