My parents are landlords of a medium apartment with a family of 4 living inside it. Is it hypocritical for me to be a Marxist-Leninist when my parents are landlords? especially considering what past revolutionaries have done to landlords (Mao). To clarify things, i do not agree with the concept of landlord-ism and how my parents (and me too from a broader view) are benefiting from someone else’s income while doing nothing except owning basic human needs

  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
    1 year ago

    The recent development world wide has had public land (and water/sea) be rebranded state property, and under this state property label it is easier for the masses to digest that instead of raising taxes the state sells off “its assets” as state property. This is a violation of any constitution in robbing human rights from public land/sea and converting it to “real estate” owned by the state, which in turn flips it over to private interests for exploitation at gift like symbolic cost.

    Aight, this might be the root of our difference then. I pretty much fully support the expropriation of land that existing socialist concerns have done. I specifically like how Cuba approached it, but every country’s different.

    Idk if I agree that states usually expropriate land to sell to private concerns. Maybe it happened in China’s special economic zones? Just because it has happened doesn’t mean it’s necessary for the future, though. That’s just what China’s development required.

    It looks like you might be talking about China’s energy development projects which I do support. China’s got a clear history of tightly managing private businesses, and taking them over when the time comes.

    I really don’t want to spend a long time writing back and forth about this if we’ve figured out where we differ. We can definitely leave it at this instead of having a big argument!

      1 year ago

      Reducing public land, that is access by poor people to land, increases their dependency for food to markets. This nearly makes revolutionary tendencies become suicidal. You subject yourself to slavery or die starving.

      Are you now for the state that mandates people to starve than violate market stability?

      I admit I do not follow China’s development much, and I also understand not having time to engage too, so I agree to stop, but I had to bring this little detail into it for other readers to understand my perspective as well. Maybe others would be willing to continue this.