My family didn’t get a modem until 1995, when we got a Mac Performa 5200 with a built-in 14.4 modem.
Apple Personal Modem 300/1200 on my Apple IIgs.
My brother had an acoustic coupled 300 baud modem for his C64, but that stuff was off limits to me. My first was a 2400 baud on ISA card, I bought for the family IBM XT Clone when I was maybe 13, I came up with the money with a hustle. I bought an old lionel train set at a garage sale with $20, sold it to a train shop for $100 (they probably screwed me over). It was my first pc component install, I remember setting the dip switches for the IRQ channel.
C64 VICModem. 300 baud, manual dial. :)
My first modem was a Dataphone s21 (German Akustikkoppler) for the Commodore C64. It gave me breath-taking 300 baud on the data highway (aka boards).
300 baud C64
First one that I had myself was a 300 baud acoustic modem. It came in a wooden box that was about the size of a shoe box but more square.
300 baud, I wish I could remember what brand it was. I think I had it hooked up to my Apple ][+ and dialed in to College.
300baud from work. Fun times logging in with it. Eventually moved to 2400baud.
300 baud home made.
I had the VicModem, but don’t recall how fast it was. It was often take. From me as a form of punishment. I’d say it was in the locked drawer more often than connected to the computer.
I think it was 300 baud. I couldn’t afford it, so followed the schematics to figure out how to connect a military surplus acoustic coupler modem at 110 baud. I didn’t know any better, so I thought it was fantastic. Still, a few months later I got a good job and upgraded to an Apple//c clone and a 1200 baud modem.
I remember when I went from 2400 to 14.4 and I felt like the world was my oyster.