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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • its for cutscenes. because without it, you get situations that happen a lot on underpowered devices (e.g the switch) where when you DO hit a cutscene, something looks very low res and low detailed because it was designed to be looked from afar with low performamce impact. It draws away from the immersion factor.

    a common situation are games on mobile that are also playable on console/pc (e.g some gacha rpgs). Some character models use texture normal maps and not physical 3d models, so when you look at them zoomed up, it looks really off.

  • reminder that Edgeworth was originally supposed to br a 36 year old prosecutor vet, but changed to be the same age as Phoenix when Kumiko Suekane pushed for it (who is also a known Yaoi Artist).

    also conveniently in Spirit of Justice, Trucy Wright (Phoenix’s adopted daughter) treats Edgeworth like a Dad.

  • copper in the context of itself is actually pretty cheap. the problem copper has is that copper is reletively expensive when compared to other common metals, hence why in some industries, copper usage is being cut back more (e.g heatsinks, as copper is commonly used for its great heat transfer coefficient, but reletively speaking, is more expensive than aluminum, while cheaper and lighter, doesnt conduct heat as well as copper)

  • basically the only way it would ever remotely work is if countries adopted the south korean method of identy. they have a kssn used for basic identity purposes, and a seperate id for tax/money related purposes. if a country has both as the same ID, it becomes MAJOR liability if a company had leaked the number. having seperate identity and financial numbers removes the financial risk if the identity value was leaked.

    although of course, it removes privacy as the government now can track users (e. g how korea tracks children’s game playing time online, as a KSSN is required to register to play)