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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • While I acknowledge the concept of a “carbon footprint” is complete BS, beef production does have a very high impact on climate change. Just want to point out that fact. I still eat it from time to time though. Yes, beef is high in protein and tasty.

    As an aside, I believe as environmentalists, we shouldn’t shame people for doing the “wrong” things IMHO as even the best of us still contribute to the problem in some way. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do, and shame doesn’t often change minds. Personally, I try to take my own small steps, but I’m not prepared to live like a hermit. I do try to eat meat less often, and I volunteer a considerable amount of time to lobby for more climate friendly policies. This course of action is what works well for me.

  • VPN drains my phone battery like crazy, plus eventually I’d like to be able to share my services with some less technical people, and want to keep the barrier to entry low for them, so I’ve been looking at what I’d want in order to be comfortable exposing services publicly.

    Services are running on Truenas Scale (k3s).

    What I’ve been thinking is:

    1. Isolate services’ network access to each other and to my local network.
    2. Reverse proxy in front of all services (probably Caddy)
    3. Coraza as a WAF
    4. Crowdsec Caddy module
    5. Some sort of auth layer in the proxy, like oauth2-proxy (kind of tricky because not every service would work well with this, especially without client support). Probably would start with a 3rd party identity provider rather than rolling my own, especially since 3rd party will probably do a lot more monitoring around logins, patterns, etc.

    Thinking of hosting the reverse proxy piece on a VPS. Probably not completely necessary because I don’t think hiding my home IP really buys me much security, but Caddy might be easier to configure on the VPS compared to Truenas (though I guess I could run it in a VM on Truenas).

    Each app could run a wireguard sidecar to connect it to the VPS.

    Curious what others think about this setup, or if the recommendation is still to keep things behind a VPN.

  • They use browser fingerprinting. Not only do you need a new IP address, but you need to make your browser characteristics look sufficiently different from anything you’ve used before (including all metadata that your browser sends to Reddit.com like OS, time zone, CPU, GPU, etc). Otherwise they will re-associate you and ban your new account. It’s annoying as fuck.

    I still have no idea what they banned me for. Spez is on record saying it’s fine to create a new account as long as you don’t repeat the behavior that got you banned, but their actions say no, you’re banned for life and there’s nothing you can do.

    The effort required to get back on Reddit is just way to high for day to day usage, so I just stay on here mostly. I still read Reddit for niche stuff from time to time, but yeah it does suck to just read and never be allowed to comment.

  • What I notice is that you are the one in the relationship who ultimately has responsibility for making sure the dishes get done. That means planning, delegating, following up when tasks don’t get done, and doing it yourself if it ends up not getting done.

    It sounds like you’re also responsible for the cooking, which probably also includes planning, shopping, gathering ingredients, organizing the pantry, delegating, and finally the act of cooking itself.

    I’m just trying to point out the high amount of mental load and management responsibilities involved in these two tasks.

    On the other hand, he gets the benefit of the output of your hard work – the distilled and delegated task of just washing the pots, pans, etc. It probably only takes 10 minutes, and he already knows exactly what to do, who needs to do it, etc.

    Just from what you’ve said here, it sounds like he’s getting a really good deal, only needing to do a short delegated task and then getting to go play video games. And he’s skipping even that short task.

    Whether he does it in the evening or morning clearly makes a huge difference because the task is required before making breakfast, otherwise the pots and pans get in the way. He needs to understand that.

    I don’t know what else is going on in your relationship and who is responsible for what other tasks. It sounds like you’re saying that other chores are just as bad. Overall it seems really unfair to me.