it’s really not my fault your taste in music is the equivalent of white bread and velveeta

    5 months ago

    It’s hilarious to me, like, this is all a very successful marketing campaign. I have successfully not thought about this pop star for ten years, and suddenly, it is impossible to avoid her.

    Like, do people not get that this is the new hotness in marketing? Start culture war controversy?

        5 months ago

        It’s sophistry all the way down. Everyone should stop using private jets TBH. Flight as a mode of travel should be scaled back to the places where it really is the only practical option.

        But major media outlets are not willing to present ideas to the public that might endanger the share prices of huge companies like Boeing, Exxon and American Airlines, except as sophistry to call someone that disagrees with them a hypocrite.

      5 months ago

      I honestly think most of it is organic. She’s popular because of the usual mix of luck and skill that causes pop stars to get this big. It just happens. She has avoided politics as much as possible, never taking bold stances on issues that don’t directly impact her. Of course she supports women’s rights, she’s a woman with an audience of young women. Young women are more left wing than ever, so of course she’s on the side of liberal party instead of the fascist party.

      The right is mad at her for being a young woman, almost as a proxy for younger women that have no attachment to social conservatism. She’s a white capitalist in a straight relationship with a successful and masculine white dude, but that isn’t enough for the right. The fact that a woman has a seat at the rich people’s table is more than enough. They’ve gotten more upset over far less.

        5 months ago

        She switched up her marketing and PR people fairly recently, I think a lot of this is marketing to regain a place In the zeitgeist. She had dedicated fans, but was not as relevant as she had been, now she’s the talk of the town again, bet she’ll release a big new project or album soon or something.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
    5 months ago

    some swifties got butthurt that i didn’t give a fuck about fox news pointing at her plane and crying hypocrite (because that shit’s been background noise for a long time) and the longer it went on the more deranged and unhinged they got. it was not unlike talking to maga folks and i think i’m just going to avoid talking to anyone about anything at all until the libs either calm the hell down or the fascists kill them all because i’m just done trying to understand these twits

      • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        5 months ago

        getting dogpiled for 12 hours by leftier-than-thous couching everything in vocabulary words and refusing to explain what the hell they actually mean while describing you as “leftist maga” because you said simping for billionaires is cringe will do that to you.

      5 months ago

      I don’t care for milquetoast billionaires like Swift, but your meme just isn’t good. A true conversationalist? Inverted Elonbros? Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

      I still don’t know what those terms mean here, and I only figured out the rest of the meme from looking at the comments. It’s wordy and terminally online. Try something like:

      Hey libs, how’s it going?

      It’s so awful what Fox News did to Tay Tay! We need to protect her from their bullying and make sure she feels safe. We need to organize and protest after such horrific discrimination. Standing for women means standing with Taylor!


      There is valid concern over how they treat Swift; not for her sake, but for everyone else’s. If a rich normative liberal like her isn’t safe because she’s a woman, how can anyone else be? If fascists attacking Swift gets normies to notice the obvious danger, then who fucking cares? Don’t say “no,” say “yes and…” Rope them in, don’t shove them away.

      Elitism is cringe. It’s sad that it’s so normalized on the left. Purity is less than useless. Just don’t be an asshole and do good for other people. That actually matters. If you just want street cred, join the right where you can be close minded and mean. They love that.

      • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        5 months ago

        “a true conversationalist” is the title of the comic, it was present in the template i used.

        i was pretty frazzled and upset when i wrote that.

        explanation if you care:

        i’d just spend several hours being told in opaque language why was wrong and bad of me to describe a person in a meme that was shared as “simping for a billionaire based on who hates them”. the intended sentiment was that “X made Y mad and that’s good” is a crap take based on tribalism and celebrity worship, the sort of stuff culty right-wingers do. i was not allowed to explain myself, and accused of things like “engaging in bad faith”, “tearing down allies with the language of progressivism”, being “leftist MAGA” - none of which anyone cared to clarify to any degree. i also got my ass ridden by four separate people about “calling a simp”, because they commented before i did and assumed it was about them specifically. my explanation was rejected and i was treated like a liar and it was insisted that i accept that i’m an asshole and a bad leftist.

        i didn’t go find swifties to provoke about it either, that’s fucking pointless - people are allowed to like things, and i do agree with your point about awareness. this happened in a mostly left-not-liberal politics chat that is one of the few places i bother talking politics online because folks there are normally very level-headed and willing to engage different viewpoints and try to understand what people mean instead of just reacting off the cuff. i was and continue to be baffled by the excessive, accusatory, and iresome reaction i got to a low-effort jab at an even lower-effort joke.

        end of explanation, if you don’t care

        but yeah its a shite meme and it hurts to look at. will likely delete.

      • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        5 months ago

        i said “imagine simping for a rich white celeb just because of who decided to hate them” and i got berated for twelve hours about “attacking others with progressive language” or some shit, go off at me about purity tests for thinking celeb worship is cringe though.

      • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        5 months ago

        also it’s fucking hilarious that you’re cutting this out as a feminism issue, as if fox doesn’t smear literally every liberal jet owner in this way. they’ve been doing it for 20+ years that I’ve been paying attention, starting with Al Gore.

      5 months ago

      I don’t think they reacted to you not caring. That’s literally impossible.

      Did you maybe go on a tirade at them on how angrily you don’t care while adding as many insults to their musical taste as possible?

      • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        5 months ago

        I said, and this is copypasted, “imagine simping for a rich white celeb just because of who decided to hate them.”

        I literally do not know what her music sounds like as I don’t care for pop music, and I can’t criticize what I haven’t heard, but please go on assuming the worst of the person pointing out the weird pearl-clutching.